Kurtis Collins

I started weightlifting during the 2020 pandemic. I've always been interested in strength sports and being as strong as I possibly can be. I started Weightlifting through CrossFit back in 2015 and though I enjoyed CrossFit and its methodology, I always found my way back to a heavy barbell. During the peak of the pandemic all I had was a barbell and some bumper plates. I decided to reach out and learn more about Olympic Weightlifting specific training and I was hooked. I met Greg, we started talking and next thing I knew I was a full-time Olympic Weightlifter. The community and the love for lifting heavy weights definitely keeps me on track as there is no gray area in the sport. It's either you can or you can't lift that weight...yet. 

For me, weightlifting is an amazing outlet for all the stressors lift throws at you. You're surrounded by a team and the team deeply cares for you and your wellbeing on and off of the platform. This sport has also taught me how to stay disciplined with my training. 

My favourite part of Olympic Weightlifting has got to be competition and the training leading up to a comp. There is nothing more satisfying than knowing you've put in the work, you've trained hard over the past few months and it all comes together on the platform. Even if I miss, in training or during competition, I know that sooner or later that weight will soon be an everyday number and will one day be my opener for competition. I also just love throwing around heavy weights! 

The highlight of my weightlifting career thus far has got to be the 2023 Winterlift competition. During this competition, I not only hit competition PR's on both my Snatch and Clean + Jerk but I took an attempt at a weight that I didn't think I want even close to being ready for and I almost got it! I cleaned a new PR at 145/320lbs and just narrowly missed the Jerk. I finished 2nd in the Snatch, 1st in the Clean + Jerk and took second place overall. I look back at this competition and I am so proud of my effort on the platform and during my training leading up to it. I love the sport and I am excited to see what the future holds!

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